Sharath Nair
Video x (Scientist+Artist)
Director | Executive Producer | Content Strategist
Turns 'small budgets' into 'big films' that then sell for 'top dollars'.
Proactive media professional with over 13 years of experience in national & international broadcast and various digital delivery platforms. Applies a unique blend of planning, management, execution, marketing, distribution, problem solving & optimisations to projects, thereby achieving quality & delivery targets against tight deadlines at profitable gross margins. Media experience ranges from having produced multiple long format documentaries & campaigns with huge budgets for global broadcast networks while handling large crews, to creating 6 second long Vine videos to grow brand awareness by over 340% amongst defined target audience with a team of 2. From traversing across India for months to make a film that was only a minute long, to producing over 350, broadcast compliant daily shows for NDTV Networks in a year & a half. Practices an Empathetic Leadership Style fostering mutual respect & a culture of continuous growth & learning within the team. This extends to how he handles partners & vendors as well. Proven track record of being great at networking & client servicing.
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